Monthly Archives: July 2013

Treat your hair to natural oils



Here are some natural oils for various hair types:
Thin hair
Using rosemary oil for thin hair is a folk remedy. As thin hair attracts more dirt and impurities, this oil helps in cleansing the scalp. Used to prevent hair loss, rosemary oil is an aromatic oil that helps stimulate hair follicles. It is also known that this oil prevents premature graying. Being high on calcium, vitamin B and iron, this oil also helps the hair with conditions of the scalp like dandruff, oily scalp and brittle or frizzy hair.

Thick hair
If you have thick, coarse, unmanageable hair, olive oil is the best remedy. This oil has a high level of mono-unsaturated fat, which in turn helps dry and damaged hair. Olive oil also helps in strengthening and moisturising the hair.

Fine hair
Pomegranate Seed Oil is known to revitalise dull and dry strands of hair because of the content of punicic acid it has in it. Another advantage of this oil is that it protects the hair from chemicals and environmental impurities. Wavy Hair Sweet almond oil has been a natural remedy for hair for ages. Massaging the scalp with this oil stimulates blood circulation allowing oxygen in the hair follicles. It also helps add shine and lustre to ones hair.

Damaged hair
Avocado oil is rich in amino acids and proteins and thus helps deal with hair fall, dandruff and thinning hair.

Best foods for quick weight loss


Fruits and vegetables: This is a best practise followed by people who lose permanent weight successfully. Even if you love meat, including at least 2-3 whole fruits and a side serving of vegetables with each meal goes a long way in curbing your appetite and enabling quick weight loss. So leave those diet pills, exotic foods that you buy just once and never eat again, and step over to the neighbourhood grocery store. Your best bet with quick weight loss lies within these humble, yet extremely healthy, fruits and vegetables.

Broth-based soups: Pureed and chunky broth (not cream) based hot soups tend to satisfy a range of food cravings, while filling you up on low-calorie healthy foods. Additionally, making these soups at home is quite simple. Just buy some vegetables, puree the pulpy ones, chop the hard ones, start with a steam or stir fry and slowly add water with stock for volume. Don’t forget the seasoning. Quick weight loss largely depends on how you control your appetite with healthy substitutes to unhealthy, high-fat and creamy foods.

Whole grain : A list of best foods for quick weight loss can never be complete without whole grains. Even without changing other areas of your daily diet, just a shift from processed to whole grain will work wonders for quick weight loss. Whole grains are nutrient-packed powerhouses and are excellent appetite controllers.

Low-salt and low-starch foods: Cutting back on sodium and high-starch foods (read: bad carbs) results in a kind of cheat weight loss, which – if properly maintained can lead to permanent weight loss. In the short run, this strategy leads to low fluid retention and what you lose initially is ‘water weight’. This is why most weight loss diets that promise quick weight loss begin with a no-carb, no-salt shock phase. You can do this cleverly by cutting down reasonably and continuing a daily exercise routine to maintain healthy appetite and calorie burn.




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Rape drug, aka date rape drug, Rohypnol, Roofie, or Flunitrazepam is reportedly increasingly used in India during crimes. Although no formal statistics exist, numerous news articles expose its prevalence.

Here are 12 facts about the Rape Drug.

(1) It is illegal (banned) in India. However, newspaper report suggests they are easily available on the street to purchase at Rs.500 per tablet.

(2) It is a small white colored tablet. However, when dissolved in a drink it (the illegal versions) will not leave any color.

(3) It is tasteless and cannot be detected when mixed in drinks.

(4) When consumed, it creates a sleepy, relaxed, and drunk feeling that will last anywhere from two (2) to eight (8) hours.

(5) When consumed, the victim will be incapacitated to resist sexual assault or any other crime.

(6) The drug is most commonly used on women for sexual assault. But it may also be used on men for facilitating robbery (commonly in trains).

(7) When the victim wakes up after drug consumption, the victim may not remember anything that happened after the consumption of the drug. This state is called anterograde amnesia.

(8) The best way to identify if someone has consumed is to do a urine analysis within 72 hours. If you suspect you have been drugged and sexually assaulted, please approach the nearest women’s police station, report the crime and request them to arrange a medical examination as per the latest version of ‘Manual for Medical Examination of Sexual Assault’ published by the Centre for Enquiry into Health and Allied Themes (CEHAT). This manual is available online and examination can be done my any medical practitioner (not necessary that it should be a gynecologist).

(9) There are other forensic techniques (advanced laboratories) that can identify its presence in urine up to 120 hours and in hair up to 30 days from hair.

(10) The only ways to prevent yourself from being a victim is to avoid food and drinks offered by strangers and to never leave your drink or food unattended. Also if you are consuming alcohol, do not do it in absence of a trustable companion or till stages of incapacitation and misjudgment.

(11) Contrary to many FB posts, there is no research that proves that this drug gets into your system through touch (although there are other drugs capable of doing that).

(12) Contrary to many FB posts, there is NO research that proves this drug affects the long-term or short-term fertility of women either positively or negatively.

Stay Safe!

Aloe Vera Juice: The New Miracle Drink?


Curing constipation: Aloe vera juice encourages the bowels to move and helps with elimination if a person is constipated. After sipping the juice, it takes about 10 hours for aloe to get things going. Be careful about relying on this cure, using aloe for a long time can be dangerous for the lining of the intestines.

Blood sugar level: Early research suggests that aloe vera juice can help lower blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes. However, more thorough testing is needed to determine how beneficial aloe is in the situation, since studies have had conflicting results.

Lower cholesterol: Although the data is considered insufficient to support this claim, there is a small amount of evidence that suggests taking aloe orally can lower cholesterol. Once again, more studies are needed to see if aloe fulfills this promise.

Drinking aloe vera has not been shown to strengthen the immune system, nor is there any evidence to suggest aloe can cure ulcers or reduce inflammation and pain.

Have you tried this juice? What do you think?

for gas and acidity


For Acidity and Gas

Home Remedies for Acidity and Gas

The ideal pH range for the human body is between 6.0 and 6.8 (the human body is naturally mildly acidic). For the body, values below pH 6.3 are considered on the acidic side. Home remedies for acidity and gas can offer help.

Acidosis is a condition in which body chemistry becomes imbalanced and overly acidic. Symptoms associated with acidosis include frequent sighing, insomnia, water retention, recessed eyes, arthritismigraine headaches, abnormally low blood pressure, acid or strong perspiration, dry hard stools, foul-smelling stools accompanied by a burning sensation in the anus, alternating constipation anddiarrhea, difficulty swallowing, halitosis, a burning sensation in the mouth and/or under the tongue, sensitivity of the teeth to vinegar and acidic fruits, and bumps on the tongue or the roof of the mouth.

There are two classifications of acidosis: respiratory and metabolic. Respiratory acidosis is caused by an interruption of the acid control of the body, resulting in an overabundance of acidic fluids or the depletion of alkali (base). Simply, it occurs if the lungs are unable to remove carbon dioxide. Respiratory acidosis can be a result ofasthmabronchitis, or obstruction of the airway. It can be either mild or severe.

Metabolic acidosis occurs when chemical changes in the body disturb the body’s acid-base balance, creating an excessive amount of acid in the body fluids. Diabetes mellitus, kidney failure, the use of unusually large amounts of aspirin, and metabolic diseases are some of the conditions that can deplete the body’s alkaline base.

Other contributing factors can include liver and adrenal disorders, stomach ulcers, improper diet, malnutrition, obesity, ketosis, anger, stress, fear, anorexia, toxemia,fever, and the consumption of excessive amounts of niacin and vitamin C.

This test will determine whether your body fluids are either too acidic or too alkaline. Purchase litmus paper, and apply saliva and/or urine to the paper. The paper will change color to indicate if your system is overly acidic or alkaline. Red litmus paper turns blue in an alkaline medium and blue litmus paper turns red in an acid medium. Always perform the test either before eating or at least one hour after eating. If your test indicates that your body is too acidic, consult the recommendations below.

Home remedies for Acidity and Gas

Home remedies for Acidity #1: Use elder bark, hops, and willow for acidosis.
Home remedies for Acidity #2: Externally, apply ginger compresses to the kidney area.

Home remedies for Acidity #3: Eat a diet of 50 percent raw foods. Raw foods not only maintain the correct acid/alkaline balance within the body,but they are also richer in nutrients that are easily assimilated into the body. Recommended foods include apples, avocados, bananas, bilberries, blackberries, grapefruit, grapes, lemons, pears, pineapples, strawberries, and all vegetables. Fresh fruits, especially citrus fruits and vegetables reduce acidosis. Start with small amounts of citrus fruits and gradually add larger amounts.

Home remedies for Acidity #4: Chew your food slowly, and do not overindulge. Make sure food is mixed well with saliva to form a liquid consistency before swallowing. Do not drink fluids during meals.

Home remedies for Acidity #5: Prepare cooked foods with care. Maintain clean working surfaces and wash vegetables and fruit. Keep meat and vegetables separate—you can contaminate vegetables with bacteria from raw meat. Do not overcook vegetables, as this makes them lose not only their flavor, but also their nutritional value. Eat processed foods in moderation only. They are low in nutrients and overexert the digestive system. Both cooked and processed foods tend to make the body more acid. Also avoid eating late at night, as this makes the body work more on digestion and less on restoration.

Home remedies for Acidity #6: Drink potato broth every day.
Home remedies for Acidity #7: Avoid animal protein (especially beef and pork), as they lead to acidity.

Home remedies for Acidity #8: Avoid beans, cereals, crackers, eggs, flour products, grains, oily foods, macaroni, and sugar. Plums, prunes, and cranberries do not oxidize and therefore remain acid to the body. Avoid these until the situation improves.

Home remedies for Acidity #9: Since excess vitamin C may lead to acidosis, reduce your intake of vitamin C for a few weeks. When taking vitamin C, use a non-acid-forming (buffered) variety.

Home remedies for Acidity #10: Heartburn and indigestion can be the result of food di gesting poorly. If you suffer from heartburn, taking small swallows of a teaspoon or two of natural cider vinegar in a glass of water may be of some help. It may cause a burning sensation when you swallow it, but then, in approximately twenty minutes, you should feel relief. If the cider vinegar method works, this may indicate that you lack suffficient acid in your stomach and the cider vinegar compensated for this insufficiency. In this case, consider taking digestive enzyme supplements containing hydrochloric acid (HC1). Stomach acid is important for breaking down food, and also prevents germs from irritating the intestines.

Home remedies for Acidity #11: Check your urine pH daily using pH paper.

Home remedies for Gas #1:
1 teaspoon dried angelica root
2 teaspoons peppermint leaves
1 teaspoon bee balm leaves
1i cup boiling water
Combine the herbs in a container. Take one tablespoon of the herb mixture and cover with the boiling water; steep for zo to 3o minutes; strain. Take as needed.

Home remedies for Gas #2:

2 teaspoons bee balm leaves
2 teaspoons peppermint leaves
2 teaspoons chamomile flowers
1 cup boiling water
Combine the herbs in a container. Take one tablespoon of the mixture and cover with the boiling water; steep for 3o minutes; strain. Take as needed.

HMM Ebook

Tips to good vision


Tip for Good Vision # 1: Load up with fish

Adding fish to your diet at least once to twice a week, is the best way to avoid dry-eye syndrome, as fishes are loaded with Omega 3 fatty acids.

Tip for Good Vision # 2: Get a regular check-up

Even if you have good vision and have no trouble in reading, go for a vision check at least once a year. This is very good way to detect various eye related ailments and prevent it with proper treatment.

Tip for Good Vision # 3: Keep blinking

Constantly blinking your eyes is a very simple way to keep your eyes fresh and avoid eyestrain. Computer users tend to blink their eyes very less, thus it is recommended that they should follow the exercise of blinking their eyes every three-four seconds.

Tip for Good Vision # 4: Do relaxation exercise

Performing relaxation exercises like placing your hands together, palm to palm and rubbing them to create some heat and placing them on your eyes is a great method to avoid eyestrain. Another great way to relax your eyes is by shutting your eyes and imagining something you like it can be a place, clothes or your wonderland.

Tip for Good Vision # 5: Focus on distance

Since we spent most of the time starring at close objects, adopt a habit of looking at distant things. Try looking at distant objects in your surrounding while walking or sitting.

Tip for Good Vision # 6: Go get some sunshine

Sunshine is the best free treatment for your eyes. Getting some morning or late evening sunshine will help to improve the eyes and pupils, by loosening the tight nerve muscles.

Tip for Good Vision # 7: Treat blurry vision with a glass of water

Water is the best remedy for all your problems. Keep sipping lots of water at regular intervals, because a less frequent blurry vision can be due to dehydration.

Tip for Good Vision # 8: Avoid dry air

Never let the air-conditioned air from your car or your office suck all the moisture from your eyes. Always vent down your A/C panel downwards or away from your face. Air conditioner air can cause serious dryness, which can further cause blindness or any other cornea disorder.

Tip for Good Vision # 9: Wear safety goggles

Eye injuries can also impair your vision in a great way, in order to avoid it always remember to wear safety goggles or eyewear, while working with chemicals, playing sports, bursting crackers or while swimming.

Tip for Good Vision # 10: Lower the brightness level

If you use computer for a longer duration, make sure to lower down the brightness level in order to help your eyes to relax. Don’t lower it too much, keep it in moderation.

Tip for Good Vision # 11: Eat eggs

Eating eggs will help you to load your body with lutein and zeaxanthin, which helps to promote sharp vision and reduce age-related eye diseases, which can cause blindness.

Tip for Good Vision # 12: Wash your eyes frequently

If you feel that your eyes are strained, go to the washroom and wash your eyes thoroughly. Make this a daily habit. Splashing your eyes with water will help to relieve your eyes from excessive stress and make them fresh.

Tip for Good Vision # 13: Quit smoking

Excessive smoking can make you more prone to eye problems like cataracts, optic nerve damage and macular degeneration. In order to avoid these eye problems, quit smoking for better eye health.

Tip for Good Vision # 14: Wear sunglasses

Wearing sunglasses when you are outdoors will help to protect your eyes from sun damage. The UV rays from your sun can increase your risk to cataracts and other eye related problems. While choosing sunglasses make sure that, you pick the ones, which provide 100% UV protection.

Tip for Good Vision # 15: Remove eye make-up

Before going to bed, make sure you remove all you eye make-up. Removing eye make at night will help to prevent pieces of make-up from entering your eye, which can create irritation in the eye.

Tip for Good Vision # 16: Have lots of spinach

Steam it or saute, but make sure to add spinach to your diet at its maximum. Spinach is loaded with lutein and various other nutrients, which can helps to prevent many eye related problems like cataracts and blurry vision.

Tip for Good Vision # 17: Take breaks

If you are hooked to some book or work for longer duration, then take regular breaks. Look up or go for a walk, this will help to prevent eyestrain and eye fatigue.

Tip for Good Vision # 18: Get a head massage

Once in a week dab some essential oil like jasmine or massage your head with coconut oil on your head. This will help to increase the beta waves in your front brain, which will enhance wakefulness and enable you to focus better.

Tip for Good Vision # 19: Sleep well

Inadequate sleep can make your tired and give you a headache, which can make your vision blurry. Thus, sleep well, which can assist in better vision and help your eye muscles to relax.

Tip for Good Vision # 20: Eat eye food

Nourish your eyes with eye foods like carrots, apricots and blueberries. All these foods are rich in beta-carotene and are good for your eyes.

20 tips for sparkling white teeth



Stay away from mouthwash, coffee and sodas
Coffee, sodas and sometimes even mouthwash causes yellow stains to your teeth. Hence we must stay away from the same.

Brush at least twice a day
Brushing is very essential at least twice in a day as it removes the plaque and bacteria that sticks to your teeth and gaps and ends up staining your teeth. Thus to avoid staining, brushing is a must.

Eat fruits
Sometimes when you tend to be in a hurry and miss out on brushing your teeth, it’s recommended to eat fibrous fruits that act as a natural brush for your teeth. Citrus fruit act as natural stain remover as they cause the mouth to produce more saliva, which help clean the teeth and whiten them. Also fruits rich in vitamin C like strawberries, kiwis strengthen your gums. Apple and pears are also very useful as they have a high content of water in it that stimulates saliva.

Many people are apprehensive towards the concept of flossing as they fear it might lead to bleeding gums. But if done carefully and patiently it can help you maintain your dental health and in return helps avoid staining your teeth.

Dairy products, cheese and yogurt
Dairy products decreases gum disease and helps to develop and maintain the whiteness of our teeth. Along with protecting and strengthening the enamel, hard cheeses like cheddar, is more effective at cleaning and whitening the teeth than softer cheeses.

Sesame seeds
Sesame seeds destroy plaque and help in building tooth enamel. They’re also rich in calcium, which helps preserve the bone around your teeth and gums. Sunflower seeds are a good source of fibre, protein and vitamin E. They also provide important minerals such as magnesium. Chewing sunflower seeds also prevent bad breath and eventually protect your teeth from staining.

Use a straw
Using a straw can prevent you from getting stains on the teeth. While drinking any coloured drink it will help prevent teeth from stains. This is because the application of straw causes the drink to reach behind the mouth, without coming in contact with your teeth.

Vegetables rich in vitamin A like broccoli, carrots, pumpkin, etc. helps in formation of the teeth enamel. It’s best to eat these vegetables raw as they naturally massages gums and clean between the teeth and maintain the whiteness of the teeth.

Use lemon and salt mixture
Lemon and salt mixture will get you sparkling teeth as lemon naturally contains citric acid and while adding with salt it works better. To get white teeth, regularly brush your teeth with this paste.

Use new brush every two months
It is very important to change your tooth brush at regular intervals to get the best results. After a period of time, the bristles become too harsh and spoil the enamel of your teeth which lead to stains to your teeth.

Maintain your calcium intake
Calcium intake helps in strengthening your teeth and maintaining the texture of the teeth.

Keep your brush at least 6 feet away from the toilet
It is strongly recommended that a tooth brush should be kept at least 6 feet away from the toilet to avoid airborne particles resulting from the flush. It helps in maintaining dental hygiene and avoids in causing any harm to your teeth.

Visit the dentist regularly
It is mandatory to visit your dentist to have best results for your teeth. People, who have missed cleanings throughout the year, actually end up with damaged or worse teeth then those who go on a regular basis.

Teeth whitening treatments
Teeth whitening treatments are undertaken in case you stain your teeth badly and are not curable by using home remedies. It whitens your teeth to a great extent.

Use strong minty toothpaste
Toothpaste with a lot of mint in it has proven to be helpful in whitening your teeth. It does not show immediate results but over a period of time it has shown positive results.

Hereditary reasons
Many times people tend to stain their teeth due to hereditary reasons which they are completely unaware of. Hence it is important to visit the dentist and know the right reason for stains on your teeth.

Avoid high dosage of antibiotics
High dosage of antibiotics has lead to discolouring of teeth. So it is important to avoid unnecessary intake of antibiotics.

Use sonic toothbrush
A sonic toothbrush will end up doing most of the work for you. With the manual toothbrush, people usually brush harder and end up hurting their teeth more. This actually leads to erosion in the gum area and can increase tooth wear. However, using a sonic toothbrush will help you avoid these problems and prove to be useful in keeping your teeth white.

Teeth whitening kits
Teeth whitening kits prove helpful in maintaining the whiteness of your teeth. Consult your dentist to know which brand is the safest and has no side effects.

Improve improper metabolism
Improper metabolism also leads to discolouring of your teeth. It must be taken care of by correcting your eating habits, exercising regularly and avoiding extreme stress.